🚀 My personal blog made with Tailwind CSS and NextJS. Template from Timlrx. Feel free to fork, …
My personal website ☻ – Built using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS and MDX
🍄 experimental platform for building Badass Courses
My 🏠 on the ☁️. Portfolio, showcases, snippets, dev logs, and ideas
A React WooCommerce Project Example With REST API
🔥 Personal website & portfolio, built from scratch using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, SWR, …
The next gen UI made with simple HTML and Tailwind CSS. It's compatible with simple HTML, CSS static …
Sharing Technologies in the Next.js Ecosystem.
🏡 My personal website and portfolio. Built using Next.js and deployed on Vercel.
⚡️ My website built with Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, MDX
⭕️ TailNext: Free template using Next.js 14 app router and Tailwind CSS.